This Site doesn’t use Cookies

In the digital realm where we all reside,
Cookies creep in, not even trying to hide.
They track our every move, every site we roam,
Invading our privacy, even more than Google Chrome.


Oh, cookies, oh cookies, why do you suck?
You follow us around, like a persistent duck.
You gather our data, polluting our screens,
But we’re reclaiming our privacy, death to the machines!

But hey, on my site, you’ll find a change,
No cookies here, our approach is strange.
We respect your privacy, it’s the core of our creed,
No tracking you down, as you navigate with speed.


Oh, cookies, oh cookies, why do you suck?
You follow us around, like a persistent duck.
You gather our data, polluting our screens,
But we’re reclaiming our privacy, death to the machines!

We’ll browse in peace, without their watchful eyes,
We’ll surf the web beneath clear, open skies.
No more targeted ads, no more invasive schemes,
We’re taking back our online dreams.

Oh, cookies, oh cookies, why do you suck?
You follow us around, like a persistent duck.
You gather our data, polluting our screens,
But we’re reclaiming our privacy, death to the machines!

So here’s to a future where cookies can’t pry,
Where our online journeys can soar high.
Let’s say goodbye to tracking, bid Adieu to the fuss,
For in this digital world, our privacy is a must.

Fabien Vauthey, with the help from the Great Poet Theodore, circa 2024
